Illumina Miseq NGS Sequencer


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Pleasanton, CA


The MiSeq is an integrated instrument that performs clonal amplification, genomic DNA sequencing, and data analysis with base calling, alignment, variant calling, and reporting in a single run. The MiSeq benchtop instrument utilizes a double-sided, single-lane flow cell and reagent cartridge supplied in kit form. Sequencing is performed by recording the synthesis of DNA strands in clusters of sample templates attached to the flow cell. This unit comes certified according to Mfg. specifications. 90 day warranty is also included. Key Features – High-Speed, Multiplexed 16S Amplicon Sequencing – Nextera Library Prep for the MiSeq System – Sequencing Library QC on the MiSeq System – High-Speed, Multiplexed Microbial Sequencing on the MiSeq System – High-quality, paired-end reads ensure superior de novo genome assembly *Certified with 90-day warranty (US and Canada ONLY)

